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Your support matters
Make a Donation
The Laramie Railroad Depot Association is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization. Our staff and board is made up entirely of volunteers. Our funding comes primarily from rental activities, grants, and private donations. The bulk of our expenses are related to maintaining the depot. Your donation to the depot will help preserve an important part of Laramie's history. Your donation is tax deductible. To make a donation to the Laramie Historic Railroad Depot please fill out the payment form below or send a check to:
Laramie Railroad Depot Association
P.O. Box 623
Laramie, WY 82073
The Laramie Railroad Depot Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit association. Your donations (rentals excluded) are tax-deductible to the fullest extent provided for by law. A receipt will be sent for any monetary contribution.
Payment Form
Please Enter your Payment Information below. If you are making a donation use ‘#99999-DON’ as your invoice ID. Thank you for your support!
For credit and debit card rental payments, a $15 non refundable charge is included in your quoted price.
Thank you for your support!